Tap into a resource of over a million data-points to find insights on trending jobs, rising industries and potential employment opportunities for students.


Streamline career placements our customized reports. Talismatic’s in-depth analytics can be leveraged to gain a keen understanding on the local employment atmosphere. Learn more about hiring cycles of top employers and job opportunities that are tailor-made for your students.

student’s career choices
City & State Report
Find out how hiring trends in your state/city will impact student’s career choices.
skill demand reports
Skill Demand
Get skill demand reports to guide students toward better job opportunities
Employment Trends
Employment Trends
Identify top hiring companies, cities & peak hiring periods for career planning

Clean Data + Narrative Analysis

Our reports are easy to understand, customizable and come with an in-built narrative that helps easier assimilation of data. Link report data directly to your career research and spend less time on manual data collection and validation.

career research tool
career research reports


Automated reporting systems from Talismatic deliver timely, accurate insight into skill performance and career trends. Our flexible reporting options offer statistics on employment options for students whether full-time, part-time, internships or co-ops so that when combined with Talismatic’s dashboard, you get a holisticeview of the US labor market for your research.

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US Job market trends are the best guide to market-ready curriculums

Every time a new trend, a new invention, some innovation, or some geopolitical turn of events occur, the job market gets recast. And each time the market recasts, the demand for a new skill set at work emerges. So, if universities are creating curriculums and forgetting to update them, then it’s a sheer blunder, to say the least. A course that ... Keep Reading

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