Connect learning with quality careers

Industry insights for curriculum building and student career development


Tap into a wealth of live data from the labor market. Talismatic furnishes universities and colleges with analytics from across the US. Get simple, uncluttered industry insights for everyday decision-making. Within minutes, Talismatic can bring you up-to-speed with live skill-demand and job-market fluctuations. Do away with lengthy research processes and interact with the labor market in real-time. Our easy research tools allow you to envision the best outcomes for graduating students; putting the best career-paths within their reach.

  • Design industry-relevant courses & syllabuses
  • Easy access to standard & custom labor market reports
  • Create, compare and save live research projects
  • Target the right companies and employers
  • Create smart strategies for student success
Education analytics for universities and colleges
Key Insights for Academic Teams

Academic Affairs & Advisory

Find easy access to labor market analytics for any industry. Discover organizational skill demands, hiring patterns and salary estimates for a fuller understanding of the labor market. Recommend the best job-oriented courses for different types of students.

Student Recruitment & Strategic Initiatives

Predict upcoming trends based on hiring patterns of organizations. Determine an ideal mix of critical skills and soft skills to help enhance courses. Create research projects, save them and share them with your team.

Admissions and Enrollment Specialists

Use real-time data to help students weigh their options and see possible outcomes for their future careers based on the courses your institute is offering. Run targeted marketing campaigns to achieve significant competitive advantage over others.

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