The real asset of any organization – its employees – play a significant role in making or breaking it. Turning a great business idea into an equally good reality requires passionate and dedicated employees working collaboratively as a team. One bad hire can tremendously impact the overall organizational productivity, growth, and efficiency adversely.
As a result, recruiters are extremely anxious when they hire talent. Everyone wants to have the most niche and strong candidates on-board. The growing competition to hire the most competent employees has strained recruiters across the US.
But to hire talent that’s exceptional is only one way of building a competent workforce. The other effective way is to enhance the performance of the existing employees. Recruiters should care to create an inclusive work culture for employees, be more empathetic towards them, and keep them professionally satisfied. Staffing not only means getting the right personnel in the company but also retaining them. And for recruiters to achieve a ‘win-win’ situation with their staffing process, where they hire the talent they can retain and train over the years, leveraging predictive analytics in staffing is a must.
Importance of a good staffing system
Staffing is a process that involves taking care of employees from the start to the end. The process begins right from identifying the required skills for an open position to finding the right candidate to retaining that particular employee for as long as possible. Hiring the right person for the right job has several advantages to offer, both directly and indirectly, such as:
- Helping establish a good brand name
- Creating a conducive work environment for colleagues
- Increasing the productivity of the team and the organization
- Attracting outside talent to join the organization
Requirements to create a robust staffing system
The first and foremost requirement for creating a robust staffing system is for recruiters to understand the main difference between recruitment and staffing. A recruitment strategy focuses mainly on hiring potential candidates for the vacancies in an organization. On the other hand, staffing is a continuous process, where the selected candidates are provided with the right projects, based on their talent, for meeting business objectives effectively. Efficiently mapping people to right projects where they can offer high performance will help organizations to boost the productivity of their employees, and consequently the organization.
Predictive analytics in staffing
Earlier, recruiters used to manually scan resumes that arrived at their desk or were shared via job portals or professional networking sites. Hence, the candidate screening process almost completely relied on how a recruiter felt about a particular resume. Obviously, this isn’t an ideal staffing approach. But the other side to the story is that no matter how hard recruiters strive to scrutinize resumes to hire the right candidates, they will not be able to keep biases out of the way.
But with the advent of new-age technologies, recruiters needn’t worry about objective staffing anymore. Predictive analytics in staffing is one such technological disruption that is helping recruiters build an organization that is ‘growth-focused’ and ‘performance-obsessed.’ By collecting historical or real-time data on employees, a predictive analytics tool will enable recruiters to be more proactive regarding their recruitment cycles.
Recruiters can collect data from different social media platforms, IoT devices, employee medical record, historical data, and other such crucial information. Analysis of such data helps recruiters gain rich insights on behavioral traits of employees. Recruiters can thereby create a work culture that attracts talent and retains it too.
By leveraging predictive analytics tools like Talismatic, recruiters will also be able to gauge the staffing strategy of their competitors. They can then study their top competitor’s work culture, which will help drive their staffing plans in the right direction. The right tool will help recruiters get a comprehensive suggestion on ‘which’ employee will best suit a particular team, role, or project type. Finally, a predictive analytics tool will provide recruiters with insights on ‘where’ exactly to look for talented candidates. Predictive analytics tools like Talismatic provide recruiters rich details like the cities and universities where the potential candidates are concentrated. The knowledge of candidate location helps recruiters to not only hire, but also keep candidates in the pipeline, avoiding scenarios of urgent vacancies.
In today’s competitive world, where recruiters are digging for ideas to develop a sound staffing strategy, predictive analytics can play a significant role. But, before choosing a predictive analytics tool, recruiters should first evaluate the tool against their unique staffing requirements. A recruitment analytics tool that understands both, the job market and the recruiter’s objectives, will best predict the course of action for efficient staffing.
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