The Importance of Workforce Planning: Key Elements and Strategic Insights

Workforce Planning

Workforce is the key driving factor for an organization’s success. Effectively managing it and making a strategic plan is needed in the current dynamic business environment. Workforce planning is the strategic process of aligning an organization’s talent needs with its business goals. It entails projecting future labor needs, spotting skill shortages, and developing strategies to…

The role of talent analytics in building a great work culture

Work culture analytics

Employees play a prominent role in shaping the brand and reputation of a company. Recruiters are, therefore, constantly looking for top-quality candidates to attain organizational excellence. However, ‘top-quality’ does not come with candidates having the right qualifications only, but also demands apposite interpersonal skills.  And so, recruiters are responsible for hiring candidates having both, quantitative…

How recruitment analytics in the IT industry improves the hiring process

Hiring for IT

Recruitment analytics in the IT industry has given a makeover to the traditional recruiting and selection processes. Basing predictions on past experiences is now deemed an old-fashioned way of strategizing and isn’t profitable anymore. Today, with the power of data and the accuracy of predictive analytics, a recruiter can make calculated and real-time predictions.  …